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7 Reasons Your Ex Is Still Trash (And You Know They Are)
Going into relationships you never picture the end. You don’t start something with someone else with the thoughts that one day you’re going to hate their guts, but it happens. More often than not, you’re going to be in a relationship that isn’t going to work out. Even though that thought sucks, the worst part is that person you fall for might be a completely piece of trash.
Let’s be honest, there are a lot of people in this world who are out to use, abuse and crush all of the love you have to give. There are people who will play with your heart and your mind in order to fulfill their needs and have no interest in meeting any of yours. Those people my friends are trash humans. Then they break your heart. Somehow they break your heart and you still love them but even though you know they suck, your heart still aches for them.
Here’s how you know your ex is a trash human being.
They Treated You Like An Option
If you want to do something with your ex and then they always wait till the last minute to let you know if they’re interested in hanging out, that’s not OK. We often times make excuses for someone we’re in a relationship by saying ‘they’re busy’ and for sure we all get busy. But there is a difference in being busy because life gets busy and waiting last minute to text…